On Sunday, Sept. 8, we as a church family gathered at the Eno River to share in a meal, in fellowship, and in a very special time of worship and celebration as we welcomed two young people into our congregation through baptism. This is the third time we have traveled to Few’s Ford to witness […]
Apache Stronghold makes stop in Raleigh on way to Supreme Court
As part of our commitment to advocacy and accompaniment for our Native American kin through @coalitiontodismantle Raleigh Mennonite offered the ritual of footwashing, a sign of humility and honor, to @protectoakflat as they continue their journey to the Supreme Court. Read more in the articles below.Anabaptist World article: Mennonites join Apache Stronghold on prayer journey to Supreme CourtIndyBay article: […]
Creation Faithfulness Practices
As part of our summer of creation, we’re encouraging everyone at Raleigh Mennonite to pick up one (or more!) new practice(s) to try for the summer. You might want to try one practice for a few weeks to try it out. Or you might try one practice for a month at a time. Whatever you […]
Last day at Building for Hope…at least for now
Sunday, January 26, marked our last day worshiping at 1116 N. Blount St. for at least six months. Here are a few photos from the last service and the move out process that took place afterward. We will be meeting for worship at Fletcher Academy at 300 Cedarview Ct. while the building is being renovated. […]
Brunch and Hymns – Summer Schedule
Starting June 4 we’ll start our summer schedule: no Sunday school and worship at 10 am. On the first Sunday of the summer months–June 4, July 2 and August 6–we’ll be at Pullen Park, at shelter #3, for a potluck brunch and hymn sing-a-long. This is a great time to invite friends and family to […]