Melissa preaches in the third week of Advent on Mary’s leap of faith to obey God, immaculately conceive and eventually give birth to our savior. As an unmarried, pregnant, Jewish woman, Mary had to put her reputation, future, and life at risk given the societal and medical conditions of Israel in antiquity. Likewise, we too will eventually reach a point in our lives where we must choose to trust God beyond reason or logic and take a leap of faith, or not. However, we do not jump alone. We are tethered to a long line of believers that went before us. Moreover, with each person and each choice, God is also taking a leap of faith towards us with open arms. This act of blind faith in God is a fundamental part of his plan to build a community of true believers instead of automatons without free will. This Christmas season, as we make time to remember Mary’s great leap of faith, let us remember her example and ready our hearts for when God calls us and prepare to support our brothers and sisters in their calling.
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