Today’s reading from Isaiah 16:1-5 opens us to a moment of a refugee crisis; we are reading about this massive disruption that happens across the Near East. Isaiah says “Like fluttering birds, like scattered nestlings, so are the daughters of Moab at the fords of the Arnon.”
Due in large part to climate change, so too are the daughters of Eritrea in South Sudan. So too are the daughters of the Philippines and the daughters of New Orleans. And the daughters of Tuvalu.
While our country produces the vast majority of emissions, at least in the short run, we will face the least significant consequences. We have a responsibility to people, like the people in Tuvalu.
As people who follow Jesus, we put our lives among those who believe in this absurd hope that our world can change. That there is enough among us that we can respond to the people of Tuvalu. And then we live like we actually believe it.

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