Luke 1:46b-55 Melissa preaches in the third week of Advent on Mary’s leap of faith to obey God, immaculately conceive and eventually give birth to our savior. As an unmarried, pregnant, Jewish woman, Mary had to put her reputation, future, and life at risk given the societal and medical conditions of Israel in antiquity. Likewise, […]
Between Our Faith and the Valley of Shadows – July 21, 2024
Psalm 23, Jeremiah 23: 1-6 What does it mean to wrestle with our faith when the word calls us not be afraid or reassures us of God’s imminent just resolution to injustice? In their first sermon at RMC, intern Katie Magnum explores the connections between Psalm 23 and Jeremiah 23, which are vastly different in […]
The faith to be made well – June 30, 2024
Susan and Hans provided a sermon dialogue based on the passage from Mark 5:21-43 of the woman with the hemorrhage and Jairus, a chief rabbi in the synagogue, whose daughter was deathly ill. They portrayed these two characters who met Jesus, allowing us to picture ourselves in the story. Through this imaginative retelling, we can […]
Faith & Fear – June 20, 2021
Scripture: Mark 4:35-41 Daniel Crowe provided this Sunday’s message. Making decisions can be difficult and involves a certain amount of risk. Things don’t always turn out the way we want them to. After calming the seas during a terrible storm, Jesus asked the disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you have no faith?” Daniel […]
Surprising Faith – Aug. 18, 2019
Hebrews 11:1-16 Melissa continued the series focused on Hebrews in this morning’s message. What is faith in the midst of political distress, in a government hellbent on terrorizing the vulnerable? It’s the failures of the people talked about in this Hebrews passage that animates our faith to continue on. They provide hope because of their […]
Encounters with Jesus – May 5, 2019
Acts 9:1-19 Melissa’s retelling of the story of Saul on the road to Damascus brings a fresh perspective. Experiencing Jesus changes us. God is no longer a set of propositions, no longer a belief system that needs to be defended by logic. Instead, faith is seen in how our life is lived.
Ruth – July 29, 2018
Ruth leaves what she knows and follows Naomi back to Bethlehem. Ruth arrives in Bethlehem, a land she doesn’t know where they worship a God she doesn’t know. Ruth 1 Transcript